Your IP is: Ikoula Net SAS – Your status: Unprotected

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Your IP is: Ikoula Net SAS – Your status: Unprotected

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Internet provider: Ikoula Net SAS
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VPN Security Test: Check the security of a VPN with these 3 leak tools

A supposed sense of security protects not from leaks. With this Leak Tools makes DNSLeaks locate and protects the own privacy.

VPN-Security test: With this 3 Leak Tools lets itself the Security of a VPN check.

Everyone wants to preserve their right to privacy online. At the same time, hackers are constantly finding new ways to obtain private data. If you use a VPN provider, you create a first important protective barrier.

VPN Leak Test

In a second step, the VPN provider should be checked for leaks. The VPN Leak Test includes three different security categories:

  • DNS Leaks
  • WebRTC Leaks
  • IPv6 Leaks

IP Check

What is a IP-address?

An IP address reveals your location and tracks your browsing activity. This is a unique number. Each end device (router, PC, printer and other devices) has its own IP. It is either 32-bit (IPv4) or 128-bit (IPv6) long.

What reveals the IPaddress?

When you surf without a VPN, your provider’s IP is immediately visible. It reveals your location and the data stream. Your provider knows what you search for on the net, what pages you visit and what files you download.

A VPN hides your IP address and protects you at the same time. For example, if the VPN connection is broken and the VPN redials, your IP is unprotected. Unfortunately, it often happens that the real IP address of the user is leaked.

How well your VPN service works, you can seewith a IP Leakage Test Tool .

Note: Use the tool when the connection redials. This is where most security vulnerabilities occur.

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DNS Leak

What is DNA?

DNS stands for Domain Name Server. It is a large, decentralized database that translates all IP addresses into “talking” domains.

Possible DNA Leak” – What means this?

A VPN may give a false sense of security, while private data is vulnerable. Unfortunately, VPNs are always subject to leaks.

In DNS leak, the name server sends its requests over an unsecured network – past the VPN tunnel. It may happen that certain operating systems continue to use the default DNS server despite VPN. The anonymous DNS server of the VPN is not used at this moment. This is a leak.

With a VPN Leak Test you cantestwhether DNS requests are encrypted andpassthrough the VPN .

Via the OpenVPN you can use a DNS Leak Test perform Anyone who finds a leak should think about switching VPN providers.

WebRTC Leak

What exactly is WebRTC?

WebRTC stands for “web real-time communication”. Among them run real-time connection such as video sharing, chats, data transfer and application sharing. Using an API or programming interface, you can communicate with each other in a variety of ways without additional plug-ins and programs.

What can about WebRTC disclose be?

WebRTC is not completely secure! Via a STUN server, called web pages can request the actual IP address via JavaScript. The IP address can so despite VPN-Connection about JavaScript read out become.

The protocol standard for WebRTC is encrypted. Google defined the WebRTC APIs exclusively for HTTPS websites. WebRTC can however Vulnerabilities at the VPN Use show. This affects all popular browsers like Chrome, Opera or Firefox. Since WebRTC is browser-based, the browser itself defines the security aspects.

Another factor is security, which is defined by the developer of the application. A good application considersbesides functionality and usabilitysecurity.

WebRTC Leak Test

WebRTC may expose your publicly accessible IP under certain circumstances. In a WebRTC leak, you see:

  • the public IP of the VPN server
  • the IP of the own internet provider

A leak can one in the short term prevent, by using WebRTC in the browser disabled.

IPv6 Leak?

IPv6 is the latest Internet protocol that is gradually replacing IPv4. Many computers, networks and websites are already fully IPv6 capable today. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 provides network-level security via IPsec. A false Configuration of the VPN software can however at a Leak of the IPaddress lead.

What can IPv6 reveal?

Suppose you visit a website that is only accessible via IPv6. The PC will call this via IPv6. An IPv6 leak depends on the VPN. If the VPN is configured for IPv4 only, the original IPv6 address is still public.

Worst-case scenario: Some VPN providers are not yet able to implement IPv6 requests. For an IPv6 DNS request, the DNS server of the Internet provider then responds. That’s exactly what you don’t want!

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