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Your IP is: Amazon Technologies Inc. – Your status: Unprotected

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Internet provider: Amazon Technologies Inc.
Your status: Unprotected

VPN vs. proxy

We’ve already reported on what three popular ways to to IP addressobfuscation there are: Tor browser, proxy and VPN. We assume that there is a residual risk with the Tor browser, proxy as well as inferior VPNs. The purpose of this article is to contrast VPN and proxy with their respective features.  

What is a VPN or proxy server?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. So these are virtual servers that encrypt all Internet traffic. Only your own computer can do that, your own devices and the VPN server are capable of decrypting the codes.   Proxies are currently considered insecure because only the proxy’s own IP address is replaced by the proxy’s IP address, but not the communication itself. A proxy does not encrypt the communication, it only acts as a gatekeeper. At the same time, the proxy only works for a single application at a time, as it does not virtually intercept communications like the VPN does.  

Which proxy (http/socks5) is for what?

There are two main variants for proxies. First, SOCKS5 is an Internet protocol that uses the services of a proxy server. The proxy checks the client’s authorization to contact an external server and passes on the request. The areas of application for SOCKS5 are diverse, but are often limited to a selective use:  
  • File sharing
  • Video streaming
  • Online games
  Second, HTTP. If you want access to blocked sites, this proxy server is suitable. You can use it to bypass geoblocking and open censored websites. However, they can also be used in reverse. This is known from universities, companies and libraries – the proxy server is used to block certain websites like Facebook. It is a simple method to prevent people from visiting unwanted sites. A VPN would be overkill for this purpose.

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What is the difference between VPN and proxy … and what are the similarities?

NutzungshäufigkeitKeine Zeit- oder Gerätelimitierung
Ein Proxy kann nur einmalig verwendet werden
Anzahl der Abdeckung
Verschlüsselt alle Webseiten, Apps und Anwendungen
Wird pro Anwendung (Website oder App) installiert
Verschleierung der IP-Adresse
Sowohl VPN als auch Proxy erfüllen den Zweck der Verschleierung der IP-Adresse Sowohl VPN als auch Proxy erfüllen den Zweck der Verschleierung der IP-Adresse
Verschlüsselung des Internetverkehrs
JA, die Surfaktivitäten sind für niemanden sichtbar
NEIN, blendet nur Ihre IP-Adresse aus. Internetprovider und Hacker sehen die Surf-Aktivitäten
Verkauf von Nutzungsdaten
NEIN JA, in der Regel zahlt man mit seinen Daten
SchnelligkeitLANGSAMER im Vgl. zu Proxies, da Daten verschlüsselt werden
Unterschied kaum spürbar
Geoblocking (Umgehen von Ländersperren)
Kompatibilität für Streaming & Online-GamesJAJA

Worth knowing: VPN providers often offer discounts for students, making them very cost-effective in some cases.

What is better VPN or proxy?

For what purpose is a proxy server suitable and for what a VPN? There are arguments in favor of both options, but we always recommend a VPN, as it secures communication in its entirety and is particularly easy to set up.

PRO VPN : It is very tedious to do an internet search and visit multiple websites. A proxy is too insecure for this.

With a VPN, you can send encrypted emails, use applications and use the PC or smartphone in parallel. In short, you can surf with complete peace of mind because you don’t have to worry about accidentally opening a fake application that will reveal your identity.

PROXY: A proxy is suitable for one-time use. Otherwise, if you don’t feel the need to protect your privacy and only want to stream a video in a specific case or bypass a website block, then choose a proxy.

Before you do that, we recommend you read our article that describes in more detail what data you are really giving away. We also report on how and where hackers extract your bank data.

How works VPN Proxy Master?

VPN Proxy Master is an app that comes from an app development company. This VPN is suitable for mobile use and was launched completely free of charge.

It is designed to protect privacy holistically and uses strong AES 256-bit encryption including brute force methods, just like our VPN.

Security features such as Kill Switch, DNS Leak Protection, IP Address Leak Protection and a No Log function are also included. There are nevertheless points of criticism, which takes a closer look at


For us, a VPN remains the only secure protection on the Internet, both stationary and mobile, for individuals and businesses. With a proxy, the pitfalls are simply too great, because the devil is often in the details. If you use a proxy, you have to be aware that you even pay with the data and that’s exactly what you don’t want. We recommend the use of a proxy-experienced person who knows exactly when a proxy is useful to use. For all newcomers who want to protect their privacy, a VPN is uncomplicated(er).

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