Your IP is: Ikoula Net SAS – Your status: Unprotected

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Your IP is: Ikoula Net SAS – Your status: Unprotected

We protect your privacy

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Internet provider: Ikoula Net SAS
Your status: Unprotected

PrivacyCube VPN software protects your digital privacy

A VPN protects the digital privacy of private individuals and entire companies. At the latest since the coronavirus pandemic, more and more companies have realized: Company data must be protected. Employees use video telephony for weekly meetings or want to access sensitive data in the home office/remotely. The need for VPNs and the expansion of VPN networks was accelerated by the Corona crisis. VPN Client A VPN client is a software-based technology. It establishes a secure VPN tunnel. All data traffic is sent and received encrypted. Often, VPN applications are installed on a PC or smartphone. Our PrivacyCube is a VPN client that runs on a pre-installed hardware device with VPN software. At DN8, we have combined VPN software and hardware.

High-Security VPN with foolproof operation

All the power of high end IT security is now available to end users through a small cube. Our PrivacyCube is a 5.0 cm x 5.5 cm cube that provides maximum security and data protection via LAN or WLAN. It is the Plug & Secure technology for the 21st century.

What is a VPN and what does it do?

  1. All data traffic is encrypted and cannot be hacked. Secure surfing abroad or in the home office is also possible.
  2. Anonymization: You can’t tell where the data traffic is coming from. The IP address and location are disguised.
  3. You can access streaming services like Netflix from all countries.
  4. There are no digital country borders e.g. censored websites can be accessed (bypassing geoblocking).
  5. A VPN protects against cybercrime and hacking attacks (malware, spam and viruses)
  6. Anonymous communication via chat, video chat or phone – Only DN8 offers that!

Common VPN protocols

You have probably already noticed: The market is currently flooded with VPNs. It is difficult to make the right choice. For VPN newbies, it’s often not easy to know right away which VPN is the best fit. Here’s a brief overview of VPN protocols – an important factor when choosing a VPN! Different VPN services use different standards/protocols in the transmission of data. They differ in terms of security, speed and many other features. Ultimately, the choice of VPN always depends on the purpose for which you are using the VPN.

The most popular VPN protocol: OpenVPN/TCP and OpenVPN/UDP

OpenVPN is an open source protocol. It uses AES 256-bit encryption and 2048-bit RSA encryption. For us, it is the gold standard when it comes to excellent security. It uses SSL or TLS for encryption and relies on SSL certificates throughout. The codes are therefore impossible to crack. Thanks to the open source technology, it is difficult to manipulate from the outside. At the same time, it is compatible with all operating systems. OpenVPN, in turn, works with the two protocols: TCP and UDP – which also offers a lot of flexibility.

DN8: OpenVPN as a basis further developed and improved

We use OpenVPN just like other VPN services. However, it was our wish to further develop and improve OpenVPN. For this purpose, we have implemented an automatic key exchange every 24 hours. (Automated, Efficient, Secure) is a worldwide unique VPN with automated, randomized and random-based prime number key exchange. This key exchange can be performed at any time intervals, making it the most secure AES VPN on the market.  

Surf safely now

Your mobile VPN router
Our DN8 PrivacyCube
From €6.99

VPN protocol L2TP/IPsec

In practice, the IPSec protocol is often combined with other protocols such as L2TP and IKEv2. The combination provides more security. IPSec has two different modes: transport mode and tunnel mode. In tunnel mode, data is sent through the tunnel encrypted between the source and destination. No companion protocol is required here, but it is recommended. In transport mode, people often rely on the L2TP tunneling protocols or on IKEv2, where data is encrypted in the device itself and securely transmitted in the tunnel through the companion protocols.


IKEv2 stands for Internet Key Exchange Version 2 and is a popular VPN tunneling protocol. It is the mobile standard that is often combined with IPSec. As the name suggests, the protocol supports key exchange and protects against malicious websites. In combination with IPsec, it is very secure and fast.


PPTP stands for Point to Point Tunneling Protocol, which was developed by Microsoft – initially as a proprietary VPN. For a long time it was increasingly used. Nowadays, however, it is of limited use because it has too many security holes – even Microsoft warns against it! VPN providers that rely exclusively on PPTP are not trustworthy.

VPN protocols in comparison

We have presented the advantages and disadvantages of the VPN protocols in our VPN protocol comparison. Here we have also described the new protocol WireGuard.

PrivacyCube software download not necessary!

The PrivacyCube is very easy to use! It offers the maximum possible protection of data and privacy on the Internet and in mobile communication. It has the unique combination of the following features:
  • Firewalls with IDS and IPS
  • AES (Automated, Efficient, Secure)-VPN
  • automatic random-based prime number key exchange
  • scaling tools
  • content filter that protects against ads, fraud, malware, scam, spam, redirecting and tracking (e.g. by Google Analytics)
  • other communication and security tools.

For all common devices and operating systems – for Windows, Mac & Co.

Our privacy VPN protects every end device in the home or corporate network – whether PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone or IoT. No matter whether Apple, Windows, Android, iOS or any other operating system. All devices in the corporate headquarters, in the home network and even on the road, are highly securely integrated, protected and easy to manage.

How do you set up the VPN on the PrivacyCube?

Quite simple: not at all! An additional installation is not necessary. The PrivacyCube is only connected to the power and to the Internet (e.g. via the router). The VPN connections are established automatically. You only need to “plug in” the Cube into the router and thus “secure” the connection or in short: “Plug & Secure”. In an open W-LAN, the Cube is used as a gateway. The computer and other devices connect securely to the WLAN via the PrivacyCube. You can log into the VPN WLAN via computer, smartphone or TV. The PrivacyCube establishes a highly secure VPN connection and et voilà: All traffic is encrypted. The central server makes it impossible to detect where the traffic is coming from and who is using the system.

Surf safely now

Your mobile VPN router
Our DN8 PrivacyCube
From €6.99

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