Your IP is: Ikoula Net SAS – Your status: Unprotected

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Your IP is: Ikoula Net SAS – Your status: Unprotected

We protect your privacy

Your IP is:
Internet provider: Ikoula Net SAS
Your status: Unprotected

Private IP – What is it?

What is a private IPaddress?

A private IP address or local IP address is an IP address that is used exclusively on a private network. No one can access the devices within the network and they are completely invisible except to each other.

Principles of the private IP-address

There are static and dynamic private IP addresses. We would like to introduce the features of a private IP address:

  • The available addresses are always limited to one address pool. It is reserved exclusively for this purpose.
  • Unlike public IP addresses, these addresses are not unique, i.e. other devices can use the same address as long as they are not on the same network. Devices on the private network never communicate with devices outside. So there is no address conflict.
  • Private IP addresses or networks are connected to each other, but never to external networks or the Internet
  • Each computer occupies a private IP address space
  • Private IP addresses are used in companies with confidential or highly sensitive information
  • The IP addresses can be used in local networks without registration
  • Private IP addresses are not connected to a router (which in turn is connected to the Internet)

The private IP-address ranges have been by IANA assigned

The IANA has published a Document in English in February 1996.

Private IP - Was ist das?

3 private IP address ranges have been explicitly defined. These are reserved in network classes A, B and C specifically for isolated, local TCP/IP networks (RFC1918).

Address range Class to Class A network to Class B network to Class C network

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Is there enough private IPaddresses?

This should not be a problem. Subnetting allows networks to be separated from each other and private IP addresses can also be assigned twice.

Subnetting can be used to form subnets within a contiguous address space of private IP addresses. The subnet mask describes the network portion (subnet) and the remaining host portion of an IP address. In the case of the 32-bit IP address range for IPv4, you can add a subnet by reserving bits for the subnet identifier.

Which Advantages offer Private IPaddresses?

1st advantage: Data security and protection from viruses & Trojans

The Internet offers great content and is the gateway to the world and to limitless knowledge. That is the enormous advantage. At the same time, it contains malicious applications and users such as Trojans, viruses, malware, worms or black hackers.

A private network is protected from these threats. It is in no way connected to external networks or the Internet. A data breach in the form of a data scandal or business failure can be very expensive for a company (millions in value). A private network offers small businesses the advantage of protecting sensitive data.

2nd advantage: Technical Problems

A private network is at the same time less prone to technical difficulties. Problems such as a non-functioning Internet connection or a failure of an external server are not problems. One is independent of the Internet provider and server operator.

3. disadvantage: Communicative Isolation

An important disadvantage of a private network is definitely the limited communication capability. You cannot communicate with other computers. No information gets out of the networks or into them. In plain language, it means that no e-mails, external data or digital software updates are exchanged. Data and information can only be physically moved from the network to other networks. In a small corporate office, employees can send data to each other. Data from customers, suppliers or vendors can neither be sent nor received.

4. disadvantage: Maintenance costs

It may be frustrating to be “dependent” on remote servers and service providers in some way. The advantage of global networks is the shared costs. For example, the network infrastructure is shared among millions of users.

With a private network, you bear the full cost of server space and connection devices yourself.

A private network, where a computer is connected to an external network, is a major configuration and maintenance effort. The PC works with two IP addresses to communicate over the private network and with external networks.

VPNS are the ideal alternative to take advantage of the advantages from both Worlds at enjoy.

We note that there is no access to public networks in the private IP network. A virtual private network (VPN) is a system that encrypts private data.

The encrypted packets are transmitted through the public network.

A VPN achieves the security and privacy benefits of a private network. At the same time, it remains connected to public networks and the Internet.

It is a method of securing public networks and not a private network per se. However, it offers more functionality and an excellent level of safety.

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