Your IP is: {ip:ipAddress} – ISP: {ip:isp} – Your status: {ip:protectedStatusText}

We protect your privacy

Your IP is: {ip:ipAddress} – ISP: {ip:isp} – Your status: {ip:protectedStatusText}

We protect your privacy

Your IP is: {ip:ipAddress}
Internet provider: {ip:isp}
Your status: {ip:protectedStatusText}

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VPN for Mac

VPN client software for MacOS from Apple A VPN is useful if you travel with your MacBook and work with confidential information. The VPN encrypts

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VPN Killswitch

A VPN killswitch is an emergency switch to bring a temporarily insecure VPN connection to a complete stop. In case of suspicious movements, the Internet

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Apple TV VPN

The Apple TV is a must-have for movie and series junkies, because no other smart TV provider works with such a wide range of streaming

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VPN with NAT router

Every device connected to the Internet, be it the computer, the smartphone, the PWK or, in the future, the refrigerator, needs its own IP address

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In many situation of life we use the public wifi. At the same time, people are often unaware of the risks involved in using them.

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Surf anonymously with VPN

A VPN connection encrypts all data and thus enables anonymous surfing on the Internet. By using virtual locations around the world, the real IP address


What is VPN Passthrough?

There are routers that establish a VPN connection (VPN router). Any device connected to the router will automatically establish a VPN connection. The VPN client

IPv6 vs IPv4

IPv4: A protocol standard The fourth version of the Internet Protocol is called IPv4. Each IPv4 consists of a twelve-digit number e.g. and runs


How do I hide my IP address?

What is a IP-address? IP address stands for Internet Protocol address. It is an identification number associated with a particular computer or computer network. When